Saturday, October 31, 2009

GI Joe Rise of Cobra Cobra Commander Review

After learning how to post pictures here, I decided to make another review. This time, it's of Cobra Commander.


The packaging is the standard for the RoC line. The bubble is nicely packed, filled with the plethora of accessories that Cobra Commander comes with.



Once again, the usual.





Cobra Commander has a great presentation. It looks nothing like the original Cobra Commander, but the look grows on you. I was originally bugged by the mask being transparent, but having the figure in hand, I actually don't mind.

One thing I would like to note, is that the first release Cobra Commanders all had holes in the armor for tubes. The tubes never actually came with him, and because of this, it seems later releases of Cobra Commander (like mine) have the holes filled in.


The back has nothing of notice except a small hole for a backpack.



Cobra Commander comes with many accessories. Six, to be exact.
-Nanomite Injector
-Missile Launcher


The communicator is my least favorite of his accessories. It's not bad, but he can only hold it by the antenna, and it's a bit chunky for my tastes. This can be stored on his left leg.


The nanomite injector is my favorite off all his accessories. He holds it well, and it looks good, with a touch of green paint. I also like how he holds it. This can be stored on his right leg.


His gun is a repainted 25th Anniversary Cobra Commander gun, which was a re-size of the original gun. He holds it nice and tight, and is the perfect size. Not to big, not to small.


Next up, is the small Cobra. I could have lived without it, but it's a nice throw in. There's a bit of green paint on the head.


Then, there's the giant missile launcher, which I'm guessing is a giant nanomite (nanite?) launcher. It's an over the shoulder launcher, and is a little bit smaller than the others. It looks a little more realistic than some others, but if your not sold on these yet, than I don't think this one will change your mind about these.


The final accessory is the stand, which is already pictured. It's the same sculpt as all Cobra stands, and it says Cobra Commander across the front.


Cobra Commander has the standard articulation that most GI Joe figures have. The legs aren't really hindered by the cape. The head can only move slightly left and right, but it's not a big deal.



Overall, I wasn't originally going to get Cobra Commander, but I'm glad I did. The design grew on me a lot, and I would highly recommend picking this guy up, if you don't mind the new look.


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